Starter Practice Plans

Welcome to the Starter Level practice plans. At the Starter Level, the fundamental skills will be honed and expanded upon while the players develop an understanding of what it means to be a part of a team.

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Starter Practice Plan 9

Cultivating Values & Developing Wellness



  • One way to show sportsmanship instead of just saying “good game” is to give each opposing player and coach a firm handshake, eye contact and a sincere “thanks for the game” or “I enjoyed competing with you.” If you are serious about your sportsmanship, you may even pay a specific compliment, for example, if they shot well or played clean, hard defense. Good sportsmanship does not mean you don’t mind losing; it means you are willing to win – or lose – with honor.

Warm Up


Team Tag

(6 minutes)
  • Divide the group into two teams: One group is the taggers, and they hold bibs, shirts, cones, or some other object. The game can be played on a full or half court.
  • The taggers will attempt to tag the other team. If a tagger tags a player on the other team, they then give the bib or other object to the player they just tagged, and now there is a new tagger.
  • The game continues until the coach blows the whistle or calls time. The 6 players who do not have bibs are the winners.


  • All players must have a partner and hold hands throughout the game as they either move to avoid the taggers or attempt to tag others.


  • All players have basketballs and now must dribble while they play. All other rules still apply.

Building Skills


Ball Handling

Read the Hand Drill

(10 total)
  • Have the players partner up, get 1 ball, and find some space on the court.
  • The player with the ball will take 1-2 slow dribbles towards the other player who will pretend to be a defender.
  • The defender will place one of their hands down low like a dig hand to deflect a a crossover, or extend their arm out in front of them at around chest level.
  • The offensive player will read the defensive players hand and make the appropriate move.
  • If the players hand is down, the offensive player will make a high/shoulder crossover and dribble past them.
  • If the players hand is up, the player will make a low crossover and dribble past them.
  • Continue this process for the allotted reps and switch partners.
  • The player will then turn and come back.

Key Points

Have the players work on reading the defense as they make their dribble move.

1 on 1 Dribble Battle

(3 games)
  • All players will have a basketball and get with a partner.
  • The players will dribble the basketball and try to touch their partner’s knees.
  • The player will receive a point each time they are able to touch their partner’s knees.
  • Blow the whistle to change pairs every minute.


  • Require players to only dribble with their weaker hand. OR Require players to complete a change of direction move (crossover, between the legs, or behind the back) before trying to tag their partner’s knee.


  • Now compete in groups of three. One player is the shield and can protect their teammate from getting their knee tagged! Change roles every 30 seconds.


Pass & Cut Decision Game

(5 minutes)
  • Have the players start in two lines: one line on the wing with the ball and one line at the elbow. Use the other side of the court or other baskets if available.
  • Coaches will guard the player with the ball on the wing. Provide an appropriate level of defense as the player passes to the player at the elbow.
  • Once the player passes the ball, the coach will either deny the ball from coming back to the passer or will drop back giving the passer space.
  • After making the pass, the player will read the coach’s defense. If the coach is denying the return pass, the player will back cut (give and go) and their teammate will pass the ball back for a lay-up.
  • If the coach drops back and doesn’t deny, the player will run off a dribble handoff from their teammate at the elbow and drive and finish the lay-up.
    Players will change lines and continue the drill.


  • The coach will now become the player at the elbow and the wing passer will be defended by a teammate. These two players will be playing 1 on 1. The defender will play defense as the offensive player passes to the coach. The passer then reads how the defender is playing and will either back cut or go for a dribble handoff. The coach will make the appropriate pass or handoff as the players play 1 on 1.

Open & Decide Drill

(3 minutes)
  • Three players start in a line across the key. One player starts on each block and one player starts in the middle standing under the basket with a basketball. Add a defender behind the player with the basketball.
  • When the coach says go, the player with the ball will dribble up to the free throw line, jump-stop, and pivot to face the basket.
  • The defender will pick one of the other two players on either block to guard. The player that dribbled to the free throw line will have to make a quick decision to pass to the open player for a shot.
  • After a shot, the passer will take the place of the shooter. The shooter will take the place of the defender and the defender will go to the back of the line.
  • Keep a tally of how many made baskets the team scores in 3 minutes so you can compete against this number in later practices.


  • Add another defender that follows the dribbler to the free throw line and defends once the dribbler pivots around to see the open player. Once the pass is made, the passer and the two players on the blocks are playing 3v2.


  • If two defenders get a defensive stop, they get a point and stay on defense. The first pair to get a designated number of stops wins.


  • If the players make the right decision and the offensive team scores, the coach(es) have to do a designated number of jumping jacks, squats, or push-ups.


Key Points

Make sure the defender clearly guards one player and does not leave that player until the pass is made! Have the player make a quick decision and a good pass to their teammate. Next, make sure the receiver of the pass works on finishing the shots with a defender contesting. Since the team is trying to make the most shots possible, ensure that the defense contests hard.


Variation Shooting

(3-5 minutes)
  • This shooting activity is designed to get players shooting from different locations after catching the ball in game-like conditions.
  • Players partner up and find a hoop to shoot at. Use all available hoops and up to 4 partner groups can shoot at one hoop.
  • One player will be the shooter and their partner is the passer.
  • Round 1: The shooter shoots 6 shots, all from different locations and ranges around the hoop. The passer must make each pass from a different angle.
  • Round 2: The shooter must now repeat part 1, but with a different shooting stance (legs narrow, legs wide, off of one leg, off of a staggered stance).
  •  Round 3: After making a pass, the passer will close out towards the shooter. The shooter now must shot fake and take one or two dribbles before a shot. Make sure the shooter changes locations each time they catch the ball.
  • Have players switch roles after each round.

2 on 1 Shooting Game

(6-7 minutes)
  • Two offensive players stand outside the three point line on the corner and wing. If players cannot shoot three pointers comfortably, move the starting spots closer to the basket so they shoot a mid-range shot instead.
  • One defender stands in the middle of both players on the block. The defender starts with a ball and will pass the ball to any offensive player.
  • Once the offense receives the pass, it become a live 2-on-1. The offense can only shoot and pass (no cuts or dribbles), and they have only three passes to get an open shot.
  • Whoever shoots the ball or turns it over becomes the next defender and two new offensive players start the next round.


  • Offense is now allowed to dribble twice only. •
  • Offense is now allowed to cut, but not to the hoop. The cut must only be for a jump shot.


  • Add one more offensive player and one more defense to make the game 3 on 2.


Toss & Get It Drill

(2 minutes each side)
  • Have the players in a line in the paint. Throw the ball up off the backboard and have the first player in line grab the rebound chin it and toss it back to you and go to the end of the line.
  • The player will go to the back of the line and the next player will step and continue the same action.


  • After rebounding have the player take one shot attempt to make a basket before continuing to the end of the line.


  • Before every rebound, have all players squat and jump as high as they can to grab an imaginary rebound. When everyone lands, the coach will toss the ball off the backboard for the first player in line and continue the drill as described.

Key Points

Emphasize the players seeing the ball, timing their jump, and once they have the rebound chin the ball.

Team Concepts


Cone Knockdown Game

  • Create a rectangular playing area using cones or a half court. Place one cone or other object at each end of the playing area.
  • Divide the group into two teams. Each team is assigned one of the two cones to knock down with a pass. The two teams start in the middle of the playing area, with one on offense with a ball and the other on defense.
  • Teams can advance the ball by passing to closer to their assigned cone. If the defense steals the ball or a pass is deflected, the possession changes. Teams may pass to the coach if they get stuck and need an outlet.
  • Teams score by knocking down their assigned cone with a pass. Defenders may not guard the cones. Continue the game to a set score or time.


  • Allow players to 2 or 3 dribbles only before a pass.

Key Points

Players must move without the ball and work to get open by making quick cuts. Make sure offensive players use pass fakes and pivots to create open passing lanes.

2 on 2 Drive and Kick

(games to 3)
  • Players will get with partners for 2 on 2 and line up on the baseline.
  • 1 player will start at the top of the key with the ball and one player on the wing.
  • The defensive player guarding the ball will allow the player to have a slight advantage driving the ball to the basket on the side of the teammate.
  • The player will drive and kick the ball out and the 2 on 2 game will start for 1 shot.
  • The defensive team becomes offense and the offensive team goes to the back of the line on the baseline. A new team of two will step on for defense.

Key Points

Encourage the players to play out of a drive and kick situation.



3 on 3 Continuous

  • Divide the players into teams of 3 and have 1 team start at half court with the ball.
  • Have to other teams start at each side of the court to start as defense on both ends.
  • If there are extra teams, have them line up on the baseline on one end.
  • The offensive team will go to score at a basket.
  • If they score, they will get a point, and get ball back to go the other way towards the other basket.
  • If there is a team waiting on the baseline, they will take the place of the defensive team that got scored on, if there is not team on the baseline, the defensive team will remain there.
  • The offensive team will do the same thing at the other end of the court and if they score or don’t score dictates which team gets the ball to go the other direction.
  • Anytime a defensive team gets a stop, they get the ball and go in the other direction.
  • This version of the game will require the players to start every possession with a pass from the top to the wing and a screen away to start the possession.

Compliment Session


Gather the players together. Players group with 1-2 players next to them and share answers to the prompted questions.

  • Ask players to share something they did well, what enjoyed about today’s practice or something positive about another player’s actions.
  • Have players switch groups and ask some players to share their groups answers. Coach can build onto the player responses.

Key Points

All compliments should be natural. Not every player has to give or receive a compliment.

Skills Checklist

At the conclusion of the Starter Level, Jr. NBA players should be proficient at each of the following skills. Judging proficiency at this level is the responsibility of the coach.

Ball Handling



        Footwork & Conditioning



