- Start with a player at the top of the key and an offensive player on the wing. One defender starts at the free throw line.
- The player at the top of the key passes to the wing and the defender at the free throw line will run out to guard them.
- Once the offense catches the ball, the game is live and they have only three dribbles to score.
- After a score or a stop, the defender moves to the passing position, the passer moves to the wing, and the wing rotates off. A new defender rotates in. Have multiple games going at each hoop if possible to maximize playing time.
Scoring system: Offense scores two or three points if they score, defense gets one point for each defensive stop (steal or rebound).
Key Points
Make sure the players chop their feet down, and put their hand up on the close out before working hard to stop the offensive player. Make sure the offensive players use good, quick, efficient moves.