Welcome to the Starter Level practice plans. At the Starter Level, the fundamental skills will be honed and expanded upon while the players develop an understanding of what it means to be a part of a team.
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Confidence comes mostly from hard work. If players know they have put all they can into preparing, they will feel much more confident come game time. Even in practice, going as hard as they can on every drill and in every scrimmage lets them feel their improvement and have a sense that they are earning their success. The more they see hard work paying off – even in small advances – the more confidence they gain and thus the more willing they are to put in even more toward the next level of advancement.
Warm Up
Run to That Line
(1 x 5 lines)
Walk around the court with the players and identify spaces on the
court (half court, 3-point line, sideline, and more).
Have the players repeat the names of each area you identify.
Coach calls out a movement and a line or space on the court for
the players. Example: “High Knees to the baseline!”
Movements: Forward/Backward/Lateral March, Forward/
Backward/Lateral Skip, High Knees, Quick Feet. Incorporate
movements from other sports: swimming arms, skating action,
long jump, cricket or baseball swing or soccer ball dribble.
Let players decide their own movements.
Players partner up and move in different ways while forming a chain and holding hands.
Key Points
Teach the players about the court while incorporating fundamental movement skills.
Building Skills
Ball Handling
Finger Dribble Drill
(1 x 30 seconds each hand)
All players need a basketball (or share) and should stand on the sideline.
Players should be in a stance with their legs bent.
The players will dribble the basketball with each finger on their hand. Each dribble will be with a different finger focus.
The first dribble will focused on using their thumb and will then progress to using their pinky finger and back for 30 seconds.
Key Points
This drill works on good control dribbles using fingertips.
5-5-5 Creative Dribble
(1 minute)
All players need a basketball (or share) and find an open space on the court.
The players will get 5 seconds to dribble the ball with their right hand.
The players will then get 5 seconds to dribble the ball with their left hand.
The last 5 seconds the players will get to dribble creatively in any way that they want.
Repeat this process.
This should be a fun drill that allows each player to be creative with the ball.
Turn this drill into a relay race. Players partner up and all partners line up on the sideline. The first team to have both players dribble to the other sideline, complete the 5-5-5 dribble and dribble back wins!
Players start by dribbling around the court randomly. When the coach blows the whistle or says “go” players must race to find a partner and both complete the 5-5-5 dribble simultaneously. The last group to complete must do five jumping jacks!
Running Dribble Right/Left/Crossover
(2 x each)
Have players get into balanced groups and line up on the baseline. The first player in each line should have a ball.
Have the players run while dribbling with their eyes up to the opposite baseline and back.
When they get back have them give the ball to the next person, give them a high five and go to the back of the line.
Players should do this 2 times with their right hand, 2 times with their left hand and 2 times with the crossover dribble.
Key Points
Encourage the players to gain comfort and push themselves to run fast and control the dribble at the same time.
Who Is Ready Drill
(2 minutes)
Have the player get in groups of 3 standing in a triangle with one basketball.
1 player will have the ball facing away from the other two.
The two players without the ball will determine 1 player to make eye contact with the player with the ball.
The player with the ball will then jump and turn around to face the two players and locate which player is looking at them and has their hands up for the pass and make a quick step and pass.
Repeat this action with the new player with the ball.
Add a 4th player as a defender. When the player pivots and turns around they pass to the player that is not being defended.
Add an additional defender on the player that is passing so they are making the open pass through a defender. Encourage the passer to use pass fakes.
Key Points
The player with the ball must quickly read and recognize when a player is ready to receive a pass. The other 2 players must quickly decide who will make eye contact.
Jump Stop Pivot Pass Drill
(3 minutes mixing pivots and passes)
Have the players divide into groups, hold a ball, and stand in a good stance on the baseline.
The players will dribble to the free throw line extended and jump stop and then forward/reverse pivots until they are facing their line again.
Have the players then pass back to the next player in line and continue the process.
Key Points
Help the players understand the importance of a good jump stop, good on balance pivots, good passes and showing a target.
Dribble & Pass to Target Drill
(2 minutes each side)
Have half of the players start on the baseline on the right side of the court, each with a ball.
The other half of the players will stand well behind a cone on the left wing on the opposite side of half court, each with a ball.
The player on the baseline will take two running or jogging dribbles forward up the court and make a running pass ahead trying to hit the cone (if the cones are small you can use a group of multiple cones).
If the passer hits the cone, they will receive a pass from the player in line behind the cone. The passer who hit the cone will catch the pass while making a banana cut back towards the basket they started near.
The player will continue for a layup while the player who passed the ball to them from the cone will chase them to make the lay-up challenging.
The players will switch lines and continue.
If the original passer who starts on the right baseline does not hit the cone with their pass, the player behind the cone will not pass their ball to them. Instead the passer who missed the cone will become defense as the player at the cone will dribble towards them playing 1 on 1 at the basket nearest the baseline passing line.
Players will get a point for hitting the cone, making a lay-up, and for defensive stops.
Play to a specific score and change sides of the court.
Key Points
Have fun while emphasizing a good long pass and being detailed and precise in hitting a target.
Dribble, Jump Stop, & Pass Drill
(2 minutes each side)
Have 2 lines at half court set up between the sideline and center court beside each other.
The inside line has a ball. The first players in each line face each other and have all hands on the ball. They pull at the ball with one player being successful. The player that pulled the ball away will dribble to the free throw line, come to a good jump stop and make a good bounce pass to the player running and filling in up the sideline.
The player from the side line will shoot a lay-up and the passer will get the rebound and the players will switch lines.
This will continue for 2 minutes. This can run on both sides of the half court or at two different baskets.
Players that win the ball can choose to dribble and jump stop at either the wing or the top. The other player fills in the opposite spot for the pass and layup from the wing or from the top.
Add a coach defender that chooses to guard the offensive player without the ball, so the player with the ball continues for a layup. Or the coach defender steps to guard the player handling the ball, who would come to a jump stop and pass to their teammate.
Key Points
The players should dribble under control and come to solid jump stop to make the bounce pass to a sprinting finisher.
Partner Lay-Ups
(3 minutes)
Have players partner up and get one ball for the two.
The first player will start with the ball on the right wing at the 3-point line and the other player will start about 2 strides behind them designated by a cone.
When the coach indicates, the player with the ball will dribble in for a lay-up while the other player will try to run from behind to contest the lay-up.
The next pair will start immediately behind them and each group will switch positions each time.
Change spots on the court as the players get more comfortable.
Key Points
This drill emphasizes having the players finish layups at game speed with a real defender behind them which forces them to have further concentration.
Loop Shooting Drill
(1 x 4 minutes)
The players will start in two lines facing the court where the lane line meets the sideline.
Each line will have two balls.
There will be one player who starts on the court on the block.
The player with the ball in front of the player on the court will pass them the ball, the player will shoot and get their rebound.
After rebounding, the player will give the ball to the same line they got it from and then go to the back of that line.
After the player passes, they will loop around the outside of the shooter to the other side of the lane and catch the ball from that line.
The player will shoot, get the rebound, give the ball to the line they got it from and go to the back of that line.
The player who made that pass will continue the process of looping behind, shooting, and going to the other line.
Have the players shoot from different distances from the basket when you dictate.
Key Points
Make sure the players go around the outside of the shooter. Also make sure the players get their rebounds quickly and give it to the line they received the pass from.
Jump Stop Shooting Game
(games to 5)
Have the players divide into as many as 4 groups at shooting spots (wings & slots) and the first player in each line will have a ball. The player at the front of each line should have a ball.
The players will dribble in to the cone setup a few feet from the basket, jump stop and shoot, get their rebound and give it to the next player in line.
The first team to 6 made baskets wins.
Key Points
Work on a good jump stop, being balanced and making shots moving at game speed.
Self-Toss Rebound Drill
(3 x 8)
All players need a basketball (or can share) and divide into 3 lines at each basket.
The first players in line use two hands to toss the ball into the air.
The player will move towards the ball, jump and catch the ball at their peak.
Once players land with the ball, they attempt one shot at the basket. They get their rebound and return to their line.
The drill repeats with the next group of players.
Players must yell “I got it!”,”Mine!” or “Ball!” when they grab the rebound.
Players do not have basketballs. The coach shoots the ball off the backboard and the first 3 players in line attempt to get the rebound. Whoever gets the rebound gets to attempt a shot without defense.
Key Points
It is important for the players to see the ball, track its trajectory and jump and catch the ball at their peak.
Team Concepts
2-on-1 Fast Break Drill
(3 minutes)
Start with 2 lines at half court and one line with a ball.
Have a defender starting at the top of the key.
Have the 2 offensive players attack to try to score in a 2 on 1 fast break setting.
The player who takes the shot or turns the ball over will then become the defensive player at the top of the key.
The other players will go to the back of the lines at half court
Key Points
Work on good fast break decision making while also working on good 2 on 1 defense.
2 on 2 Numbers Game
(games to 3)
Assign 2 players to each number and have everybody stand on the baseline. The two players with the same number our teammates and will be playing together.
Throw the ball on the court and call out 2 numbers.
The 2 players with those numbers will go for the ball and whoever gets the ball will be on offense and the other 2 on defense for 1 possession and 1 shot of 2 on 2.
Evenly mix up the numbers you call and the game is over when any team gets to 5 points playing by 1’s.
Key Points
Encourage the players to hustle to the ball and make good team plays to score. Also encourage the defensive team to move their feet, play active defense and contest all shots.
3 On 3 Numbers Game
(games to 5)
Assign 3 players to each number and have everybody stand on the baseline. The three players with the same number our teammates and will be playing together.
Throw the ball on the court and call out 2 numbers.
The 3 players with those numbers will go for the ball and whoever gets the ball will be on offense and the other 3 on defense for 1 possession and 1 shot of 3 on 3.
Evenly mix up the numbers you call and the game is over when any team gets to 5 points playing by 1’s.
Key Points
Encourage the players to hustle to the ball and make good team plays to score. Also encourage the defensive team to move their feet, play active defense and contest all shots.
5 on 5
(games to 3)
Divide the players into teams (have substitutes if needed).
Play 5 on 5 until a team makes 3 shots.
Encourage the players to cut, move the ball and work on all the basketball concepts they have learned.
Compliment Session
Gather the players together. Players group with 1-2 players next to them and share answers to the prompted questions.
Ask players to share something they did well, what enjoyed about today’s practice or something positive about another player’s actions.
Have players switch groups and ask some players to share their groups answers. Coach can build onto the player responses.
Key Points
All compliments should be natural. Not every player has to give or receive a compliment.
At the conclusion of the Starter Level, Jr. NBA players should be proficient at each of the following skills. Judging proficiency at this level is the responsibility of the coach.