Starter Practice Plans

Welcome to the Starter Level practice plans. At the Starter Level, the fundamental skills will be honed and expanded upon while the players develop an understanding of what it means to be a part of a team.

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Starter Practice Plan 11

Cultivating Values & Developing Wellness



  • There is an old saying that applies to many aspects of life: “Garbage in, garbage out.” That means if you put a lot of garbage foods into your body, your body’s output of athletic energy will be lacking.
  • It is important to eat balanced meals that include enough fruits and vegetables, protein and carbohydrates. It’s also important to avoid processed sugar, such as in candy or soft drinks.
  • All true basketball players want to perform at their best every time they hit the court. To make sure you can do that, eat right and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and healthy, especially in the hot summer months.

Warm Up


Dynamic Warm-Up Part 3

(1 x each from baseline to half court)
  • In Out Turn
  • Over the Hurdle Forward
  • Quick Feet & Turn
  • Over the Hurdle Backwards
  • Hip Up & Over Touch
  • Jog to Sprint

Building Skills


Ball Handling

Shield Tag

(3 minutes)
  • Create groups of three players, with one basketball in each group. The player with the ball is on offense. Designate one of the other players to be the defender, and the third player to be the shield.
  • The shield tries to protect the offense for as along as possible from the defender. The defender will try to steal the ball from the offensive player. The shield can move wherever and however they want to protect the offensive player.
  • After 30 seconds, or whenever the defense is successful in stealing the ball, players change roles.


Wing Open & Decide

(5 minutes each wing)
  • This activity will start with four offensive players and one defensive player. Start with one offensive player with a ball in the slot, one offensive player starting at the opposite elbow, one offensive player in the ball side corner and the last offensive player on the ball side wing.
  • The defensive player will start inside the 3-point line between the offensive player on the wing and corner.
  • The activity starts when the player at the elbow sets a ball screen for the player at the slot. The screener will roll so that their back is facing the players in the corner and wing. The ball-handler will make a pocket/bounce pass to the roller.
  • The roller will catch the pass in the lane and pivot and read the defender that starts between the two offensive players on the wing and corner (the defender can move to play defense as desired), and pass to the open player.
  • Once the pass is made to either the player on the wing or corner, those two players will play two on one trying to score against the defender. The players can shoot or attack the basket two on one.
  • The players will rotate to a new spot. The ball-handler becomes the screener. The screener becomes the defender. The defender becomes the corner offensive player. The corner offensive player becomes the wing offensive player. The wing offensive player becomes the ball-handler.
  • As the players gain comfort, allow the wing and/or corner player to cut to the basket when the roller catches the ball.


  • Reward points for defensive stops and play to a specific score.


  • After the initial ball-handler, do not allow dribbling.

1 on 1+1 Pressure Passing Game

(3 minutes)
  • Create groups of 3 players, with one basketball for each group. Two players will be on offense, with one of them starting with a ball. The third player will be on defense.
  • Each group starts within a small playing area roughly the size of the free throw lane, marked out by cones or lines. The offensive player with a ball must stay within the marked area while dribbling, while the defender will try and steal the ball or deflect a pass.
  • The +1 offensive player can move around the outside of the playing area. Anytime the +1 puts their hands up, the offensive player must pass them the ball within two seconds. The +1 then passes the ball back and play continues.
  • The defense receives one point each time they steal or deflect the ball. After 30 seconds, switch roles.


Partner Lay-Ups

(3 minutes)
  • Have players partner up and get one ball for the two.
  • The first player will start with the ball on the right wing at the 3-point line and the other player will start about 2 strides behind them designated by a cone.
  • When the coach indicates, the player with the ball will dribble in for a lay-up while the other player will try to run from behind to contest the lay-up.
  • The next pair will start immediately behind them and each group will switch positions each time.
  • Change spots on the court as the players get more comfortable.

Key Points

This drill emphasizes having the players finish layups at game speed with a real defender behind them which forces them to have further concentration.

Frequent Flyers

(2 games)
  • Place approximately 5 cones around the perimeter and name each after a city. Divide the players into 2 groups (offense and defense). Make sure the offense has more player (3:1, 4:2, 5:2 etc.).
  • Every player on offense has a ball and will start at one of the cones. The defense will all start in the lane. When the game starts the offensive players will try to dribble in and score inside the paint while the defense tries to stop them.
  • After a made shot starting from a cone, the offensive player has “stamped their passport” from that location and will try to score from the remaining cones that they have not scored from. If a player misses a shot they can start at any cone next that they have not scored from.
  • Once a player has scored from all spots, they win the game. Change players and play again.

Key Points

Only allow 1 shot per drive. Adjust the number of defenders to make the game easier or harder.


3-Second Box Out Game

(2 minutes)

• Have the players partner up and get a ball.
• The players will place the ball on the floor and take four steps away from the ball.
• 1 player will be offense and 1 player will be defense facing the offensive player with their back to the ball.
• When coach yells “shot” the defensive player will make contact and box out the offensive player as the offensive player tries to go touch the ball.
• The goal is to have all defensive players to hold the box out preventing the offensive player for touching the ball for 3 seconds.
• Switch roles and repeat the process.
• Scoring rules: The defense gets 1 point every time they stop the offense from touching the ball for 3 seconds. The offense gets 2 points each time they are able to touch the ball.
• Play for 2 minutes and have the players keep their own scores.

Team Concepts


Pass & Cut Decision Game

(5 minutes)
  • Have the players start in two lines: one line on the wing with the ball and one line at the elbow. Use the other side of the court or other baskets if available.
  • Coaches will guard the player with the ball on the wing. Provide an appropriate level of defense as the player passes to the player at the elbow.
  • Once the player passes the ball, the coach will either deny the ball from coming back to the passer or will drop back giving the passer space.
  • After making the pass, the player will read the coach’s defense. If the coach is denying the return pass, the player will back cut (give and go) and their teammate will pass the ball back for a lay-up.
  • If the coach drops back and doesn’t deny, the player will run off a dribble handoff from their teammate at the elbow and drive and finish the lay-up.
    Players will change lines and continue the drill.


  • The coach will now become the player at the elbow and the wing passer will be defended by a teammate. These two players will be playing 1 on 1. The defender will play defense as the offensive player passes to the coach. The passer then reads how the defender is playing and will either back cut or go for a dribble handoff. The coach will make the appropriate pass or handoff as the players play 1 on 1.

2 on 1 Shooting Game

(6-7 minutes)
  • Two offensive players stand outside the three point line on the corner and wing. If players cannot shoot three pointers comfortably, move the starting spots closer to the basket so they shoot a mid-range shot instead.
  • One defender stands in the middle of both players on the block. The defender starts with a ball and will pass the ball to any offensive player.
  • Once the offense receives the pass, it become a live 2-on-1. The offense can only shoot and pass (no cuts or dribbles), and they have only three passes to get an open shot.
  • Whoever shoots the ball or turns it over becomes the next defender and two new offensive players start the next round.


  • Offense is now allowed to dribble twice only. •
  • Offense is now allowed to cut, but not to the hoop. The cut must only be for a jump shot.


  • Add one more offensive player and one more defense to make the game 3 on 2.



3 On 3 Numbers Game

(games to 5)
  • Assign 3 players to each number and have everybody stand on the baseline. The three players with the same number our teammates and will be playing together.
  • Throw the ball on the court and call out 2 numbers.
  • The 3 players with those numbers will go for the ball and whoever gets the ball will be on offense and the other 3 on defense for 1 possession and 1 shot of 3 on 3.
  • Evenly mix up the numbers you call and the game is over when any team gets to 5 points playing by 1’s.

Key Points

Encourage the players to hustle to the ball and make good team plays to score. Also encourage the defensive team to move their feet, play active defense and contest all shots.

5 on 5 No Dribbles

(3 minute games)
  • Divide the players into teams and have them play games of 5 on 5 with no dribbles.
  • If a player dribbles, it is a turnover and the other team gets the ball.
  • Play for the allotted amount of time and then communicate observations about the play.

Key Points

Encourage the players to keep moving and cutting to get opportunities to score. Remind the defense that with no dribbles, they can pressure the ball and deny passes!

Compliment Session


Gather the players together. Players group with 1-2 players next to them and share answers to the prompted questions.

  • Ask players to share something they did well, what enjoyed about today’s practice or something positive about another player’s actions.
  • Have players switch groups and ask some players to share their groups answers. Coach can build onto the player responses.

Key Points

All compliments should be natural. Not every player has to give or receive a compliment.

Skills Checklist

At the conclusion of the Starter Level, Jr. NBA players should be proficient at each of the following skills. Judging proficiency at this level is the responsibility of the coach.

Ball Handling



        Footwork & Conditioning



