Starter Practice Plans

Welcome to the Starter Level practice plans. At the Starter Level, the fundamental skills will be honed and expanded upon while the players develop an understanding of what it means to be a part of a team.

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Starter Practice Plan 1

Cultivating Values & Developing Wellness



  • Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) shares that teamwork is all about trust, and trust is a key component to any team. Whether it’s your family, your friends, your co-workers later in life or your basketball teammates at any level, trust is critical.
  • You want to be able to trust your teammates (especially to call out screens!), and you want your teammates to trust you. As you work to build a team that trusts each other, remember you have to give trust to get trust, and once you have trust, teamwork is second nature.

Warm Up


Fundamentals of Warming-Up

  • Warming up is an extremely important part of basketball. Players should make sure their bodies are prepared to play by getting their muscles loose and their body temperature up. Warming up can keep players healthy, lengthen playing careers, and help players do their best.

Run to That Line

(1 x 5 lines)
  • Walk around the court with the players and identify spaces on the
    court (half court, 3-point line, sideline, and more).
  •  Have the players repeat the names of each area you identify.
  • Coach calls out a movement and a line or space on the court for
    the players. Example: “High Knees to the baseline!”
  • Movements: Forward/Backward/Lateral March, Forward/
    Backward/Lateral Skip, High Knees, Quick Feet. Incorporate
    movements from other sports: swimming arms, skating action,
    long jump, cricket or baseball swing or soccer ball dribble.


  • Let players decide their own movements.


  • Players partner up and move in different ways while forming a chain and holding hands.

Key Points

Teach the players about the court while incorporating fundamental movement skills.

Building Skills



Diamond Passing

(4 x 1 minute))
  • Using cones or other objects, create a diamond in the half-court with a cone in the center. At least two players must start in the first line with one ball. Create multiple diamonds to minimize standing.
  • The player with the ball dribbles to the cone in the center of the diamond. The player completes a jump stop and forward pivots to face the next line and completes an overhead pass.
  • The passer then follows their pass and joins that line. The player that received the pass then dribbles to the center cone and repeats the drill.
  • After one minute, switch to a new pivot: Forward pivot left, forward pivot right, reverse pivot left, reverse pivot right.


  • Players must call out the name of the player they are passing to.


  • After players complete an overhead pass, they must run to the closest wall or designated line before returning to the next cone.

Key Points

Ensure players come to a complete jump stop before passing. Players must stay low and balanced when pivoting. Ensure the players make eye contact before passing and the receiver shows their hands as a target.

Ball Handling

Stationary Crossover Low, Middle, High

(3 x 20 seconds each)
  • All players need a basketball (or share) and should stand on the sideline.
  • Players should bend their knees and begin dribbling back and forth swinging the ball from right to left low and quick below the knees.
  • After 20 seconds, the player will dribble at knee level and continue for another 20 seconds.
  • Last, the player will dribble the ball higher swinging it from from side to side for 20 more seconds.


  • Have the players get into pairs and stand a short distance apart facing each other. One partner will be the leader and crossover dribble low, middle or high. The other partner will try to mirror the leader. The leader will continue to change the level of the dribble in an effort to “lose” the other partner. Switch partners and continue.
  • As players improve, add in 1,2, or 3 dribbles before each crossover. Partners will have to mirror the stationary and crossover dribbles.

Key Points

Keep the players in a good stance with their chest and eyes up. Remind them to use their fingertips and push the ball back and forth from side to side with quick dribbles to improve coordination and ball control.

Cone Dribbling

(1 x 3 minutes with variations)
  • Divide the group into even groups.
  • Place five cones from sideline to sideline in a straight line for each group.
  • The first player in each line will have a ball.
  • The player will dribble through the cones in a zig-zag motion switching hands as they change directions all the way past the last cone and then stop.
  • Once the player is half way through the cones, the next player can begin.
  • After all the players in the group have dribbled through the cones, the first player will repeat the process by going back through the cones in the opposite direction.



  • Have one or two players act as defenders and stand in place of the cones in each line. The defender will either jump in the path of the ball-handler or stay in their position. If the defender jumps in the path, the ball-handler switches hands as they change directions. If the defender stays in place, the ball-handler continues on their path to the next cone.


  • Make this a relay race. The first team to finish wins!

Key Points

Make sure the players are staying low and controlling the dribble. The players should also be pushing off their outside foot to change directions.


Catch The Rabbit

(2-3 games)
  • Create teams of four players each. Everyone needs a basketball. Player 1 starts on the baseline. Player 2 starts at the free throw line and is the “chaser”. Player 3 starts at mid-court and is the “rabbit”. Player 4 starts on the opposite baseline from Player 1.
  • When coach says go, Player 2 (chaser) tries to tag Player 3 (rabbit) before Player 3 (rabbit) makes it to the baseline where Player 4 is waiting.
  • If Player 3 (the rabbit) makes it to the baseline, Player 4 becomes the new chaser and Player 2 is now the rabbit. Player 2 now reverses course and tries to get to baseline where Player 1 is.
  • If any chaser tags any rabbit before the rabbit crosses the baseline, their roles immediately switch (rabbit becomes chaser and chaser becomes rabbit).


  • Remove basketballs or shorten the court distance.


  • Each player keeps track of how many times they have “caught a rabbit” in a game. The top four “catchers” form a new team for the next game.


  • Players must only dribble with their off-hand. This can also be used as an individual load to challenge advanced players.


Form Shooting – 1 Hand

(2 x 10)
  • Have the players partner up with a basketball at a basket.
  • The players should stand within a few feet of the basket and put the ball in their dominant hand in front of them.
  • Have the players lift the ball in that one hand so that their elbow is underneath it and their palm is facing the sky.
  • When the player is ready, they should extend their knees and arm at the same time to shoot for the basket.
  • Have the players hold their follow-through until the shot goes through the basket or misses.

Key Points

Have the players start with their knees bent, elbow in and extend their follow-through with their elbow high and wrist flipped so that the ball has good arc and rotation.

Decision 1 on 1

(Games to 3)
  • Have the players partner up with a ball and setup at various points around the 3-point line. The coach starts in the lane and assigns a number to each pair.
  • One partner, the defender, will stand just inside the 3-point line and face the basket in a stance. The other partner is on offense and will stand behind them with the ball and touch the ball to the back of the player in front.
  • When the coach calls out a partner group’s number, the offensive player pulls the ball off of their partner’s back and attacks the hoop. Once the offense pulls the ball off the defensive player’s back, the defense must touch the court with two hands before defending.
  • As the offensive player attacks the hoop, the coach will either stay out of play or step forward towards the offense.
  • The offensive player must read the coach’s position and either continue to the hoop for a layup if the coach stays out of play or pull up for a shot if the coach steps forward.
  • Alternate possessions regardless of make or miss and play to a designated score.

Key Points

The coach must make a clear and committed action for the offensive player to make a quick decision based off the coach’s positioning. Provide feedback on the decision. Instruct the defense to contest layups without fouling.

Shoot And Follow

(3 x 2 minutes)
  • Divide the players into groups of 3 with 2 balls per group. Determine the depth and type of shot and allocate each group to a basket.
  • When coach says start, one player shoots quickly followed by the second player. Players follow their shot to get the rebound and pass to the open player. Once the player passes, they relocate to a new spot to receive the next pass.
  • After two minutes, groups change baskets, type of shot, or side of the basket to shoot from.


  • Teams count their makes and the team with the most makes after a designated time wins.

Key Points

Emphasize speed of shot release and quality of passes. Shooters should be ready to shoot.

Footwork and Conditioning

Jump Stop Game

  • Players spread out across the baseline and start in an athletic stance.
  • Coach stands in front of the team and raises their arm to signal “Go” and players move forward. When coach lowers their arm, players jump stop in a balanced position.
  • If any players are out of position, unbalanced or don’t stop in time, they take 3 steps backwards. The first player to cross the baseline on the other side of the court wins the game.
  • Once the group in front of the player moves towards the next jump stop location, the next player begins the same process.
  • The players will wait at the opposite baseline until all the players finish and then do the same process going back.



  • Each player has a basketball (or can share between players). Players dribble when moving and pick up the ball on a jump stop.


  • Wins the first round leads as the “coach” for the next game.
  • Break into smaller groups in designated spaces, nominating a player to lead each game.


  • When players have basketballs, the coach can use vocal cues instead of hand cues.

Key Points

To ensure balance have the players land in the jump stop position and wait a few seconds before raising your arm to allow them to move forward again.

Team Concepts


Defense, I Love It Drill

(2 x 5)
  • Have the players spread out on the court in front of the coach.
  • When the coach says “Defense!” have the players slap the floor and get in a defensive stance while saying “I love it!”
  • Have the players stay in the stance and repeat this call and response action 5 times.
  • Next, when the coach points left or right, the players must slide their feet in that direction.
  • If the coach fakes a shot, the players must put one hand up and “contest” the shot.


  • Create small groups of 3-4 players and nominate one leader of each group. The leader of this group acts as the coach and gives the defensive movement cues to the remaining players. Switch leaders after 30-45 seconds.

Key Points

Make sure the players have a lot of energy and enjoy this. Also ensure they have good form in the defensive stance.

3 On 2 Advantage

(6 minutes)
  • Have 3 offensive players start anywhere outside the perimeter. Two players will start on defense and stand in the key. One defender starts with the ball.
  • The game starts when the defensive player with the ball passes to any of the three offensive players. The game becomes live and the offense must try to score.
  • In this small-sided game, the offense is not allowed to cut. They must pass the ball around to get a good shot.
  • After a score or a stop on defense, rotate the two defensive players in on offense with one more player and bring in two new defenders.


  • Allow one offensive player to cut. If they don’t receive the ball, they must cut back outside the 3 point line.
  • Offensive players are only allowed one second to hold the ball. They must pass, shoot, or dribble in that one second or the coach calls a turnover.



Dribble Relays

(2 x)
  • Divide the players into even groups and have them line up on the baseline with the first person in line with a ball.
  • Designate an end line for the relay race depending on your court space. It could be the opposite baseline, the half-court line, or any other line.
  • On the coach’s command the first player will dribble to the designated end line, jump stop, pick up their ball and back-pedal back to their line. Once they get back to their line, they give the next player in line a high five and give them the ball.
  • Once everybody has gone 3 times, the team has finished.
  • Next do the same thing with the other hand.

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  • Instead of backpedaling, have players defensive slide or turn and sprint back to their lines.

Key Points

Make sure the players have a lot of energy and enjoy this. Encourage the players to be good teammates throughout this game.

3 On 3 Numbers Game

(games to 5)
  • Assign 3 players to each number and have everybody stand on the baseline. The three players with the same number our teammates and will be playing together.
  • Throw the ball on the court and call out 2 numbers.
  • The 3 players with those numbers will go for the ball and whoever gets the ball will be on offense and the other 3 on defense for 1 possession and 1 shot of 3 on 3.
  • Evenly mix up the numbers you call and the game is over when any team gets to 5 points playing by 1’s.

Key Points

Encourage the players to hustle to the ball and make good team plays to score. Also encourage the defensive team to move their feet, play active defense and contest all shots.

Compliment Session


Gather the players together. Players group with 1-2 players next to them and share answers to the prompted questions.

  • Ask players to share something they did well, what enjoyed about today’s practice or something positive about another player’s actions.
  • Have players switch groups and ask some players to share their groups answers. Coach can build onto the player responses.

Key Points

All compliments should be natural. Not every player has to give or receive a compliment.

Skills Checklist

At the conclusion of the Starter Level, Jr. NBA players should be proficient at each of the following skills. Judging proficiency at this level is the responsibility of the coach.

Ball Handling



        Footwork & Conditioning



