Rookie Practice Plans

Welcome to the Rookie Level practice plans. The Rookie level focuses on having fun, being active, and learning the basic fundamental skills of basketball. There are three options for viewing these practice plans.

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Rookie Practice Plan 7

Cultivating Values & Developing Wellness


Fairness 2

  • Is it fair if you hold a player on defense while the ref isn’t looking?
  • Our Jr. NBA partner Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) does not consider that fair. But it is a good question to ask, and one of the things that is so great about sports is that it can get people talking about what is right and wrong.
  • Here are a series of videos from PCA about ethics in
    sports and other elements of sportsmanship:

Warm Up


Lions and Tigers

  • Players pair up with someone of similar speed with 1 ball. They line up in the middle of the court facing their partner 3 meters apart.
  • One group is identified as the lions and the other group as the tigers. When coach calls “Lions” the tigers chase the lions attempting to tag.
  • If they are tagged they return to the starting spots. Have a safety line that is a good distance from the wall.
  • Coach can also call out ‘right foot’, ‘left foot’ or ‘two feet’ and the lions and tigers must come to a balanced stop. “Go” will start the movement.
  • Before starting, refresh players about fairness. During the game stop and ask players to give examples of fairness behaviors in the game.


  • The coach can call out “change” and players must change direction and change who is the chaser and who is being tagged.
  • The coach can change running with different movements like side shuffles or skipping and adjust the starting distance.


  • Have players play with 1 ball and dribble with different hands while moving.


  • Have the players keep score. A tag is 1 point. Have players rotate to the right or left to match with a different partner.

Building Skills


Ball Handling

Low, Middle, High Dribble

(2 x 20 seconds each level & each hand)
  • All players need a basketball (or share) and should stand on the sideline.
  • The players will start by dribbling the basketball with the right hand low in a good stance with their eyes up and using their left arm to protect the ball.
  • The players will do this for 20 seconds and then switch to their left hand and complete the same process.
  • Next the player will move back to their right hand and dribble at the middle level for 20 seconds and then switch hands.
  • Last, the players will dribble the ball high, around shoulder level for 20 seconds each hand.
  • Throughout this drill, the coach will hold up a variety of numbers of fingers. The players must see the fingers and call out the number.


  • Have the players get into pairs and stand a short distance apart facing each other. One partner will be the leader and dribble with either hand low, middle or high. The other partner will try to mirror the leader. The leader will continue to change their dribble hand and level of the dribble in an effort to “lose” the other partner. Switch partners and continue.


  • Have the players get into pairs and find a line on the court. Both partners have a ball and stand on opposite sides of the line shoulder to shoulder. Both players will start dribbling with their outside hand with the goal of getting two feet on the other side of the line. This will require the players to stay low, be physical, and use their lower body and shoulder to move over the line while dribbling.

Key Points

Keep the players in a good stance with their chest and eyes up. Remind them to use their fingertips and execute low, middle, and high quick dribbles to improve coordination and ball control.

Cone Dribbling

(3 x down and back)
  • Divide the group into even groups.
  • Place five cones from sideline to sideline in a straight line for each group.
  • The first player in each line will have a ball.
  • The player will dribble through the cones in a zig-zag motion switching hands as they change directions all the way past the last cone and then stop.
  • Once the player is half way through the cones, the next player can begin.
  • After all the players in the group have dribbled through the cones, the first player will repeat the process by going back through the cones in the opposite direction.



  • Have one or two players act as defenders and stand in place of the cones in each line. The defender will either jump in the path of the ball-handler or stay in their position. If the defender jumps in the path, the ball-handler switches hands as they change directions. If the defender stays in place, the ball-handler continues on their path to the next cone.


  • Make this a relay race. The first team to finish wins!

Key Points

Make sure the players are staying low and controlling the dribble. The players should also be pushing off their outside foot to change directions.


Swipers Game

(1 game)
  • Divide the players into two teams. One team will have basketballs and will dribble around the court. The other team will move around waiting on the coach to call “Swipers”.
  • When the coach says “Swipers” the team without the basketballs can go try to knock the ball away from players with the basketballs.
  • If the ball gets knocked away from a player, they must go get the ball and put it over their head.
  • If a teammate with a ball rolls their ball between their teammates legs, it allows the teammate to begin dribbling again.
  • The game should last two minutes before switching teams.
  • There should be no contact between players in this game. Swipers can only touch the ball.


  • After losing their ball to a swiper, a player does ‘air squats’ while waiting for a ball to be rolled.


  • Add balls to the swipers. They will need to keep their dribble when swiping.


Extra Pass Drill

(2 minutes)
  • Using all available baskets, have two players at each elbow facing the basket, with one defender under the basket with a basketball.
  • The drill starts with the defender under the basket passing the ball out to one of the offensive players on either elbow. After passing the ball, the defender runs to defend the offensive player.
  • The player who catches must make a quick decision to either shoot (if they are open) or make an “extra pass” to the other offensive player. The two offensive players must stay stationary.
  • The offensive players shoot the ball if they are open or pass to their teammate if the defender recovers.
  • After a shot is taken or a pass is stolen, rotate one of the offensive players to defense and bring in two new offensive players on each elbow and continue the drill.


  • The defender can roll the ball or make low passes to the offense, giving the defender more time to contest a shot or a pass and forcing the offensive player to make a tough catch and recover.
  • Move the offensive players to different areas of the court, such as the wing and baseline, to work on shooting from different angles.

Key Points

Players must make quick decisions and read the defender. Players should also focus on making good passes quickly to their teammate to set them up for a shot.

Cone Knockdown Game

(1 game )
  • Create a rectangular playing area using cones or a half court. Place one cone or other object at each end of the playing area.
  • Divide the group into two teams. Each team is assigned one of the two cones to knock down with a pass. The two teams start in the middle of the playing area, with one on offense with a ball and the other on defense.
  • Teams can advance the ball by passing to closer to their assigned cone. If the defense steals the ball or a pass is deflected, the possession changes. Teams may pass to the coach if they get stuck and need an outlet.
  • Teams score by knocking down their assigned cone with a pass. Defenders may not guard the cones. Continue the game to a set score or time.


  • Allow players to 2 or 3 dribbles only before a pass.

Key Points

Players must move without the ball and work to get open by making quick cuts. Make sure offensive players use pass fakes and pivots to create open passing lanes.

Footwork and Conditioning

Reverse Pivot Drill

(4 x each foot)
  • Have the players hold a ball and stand in a good stance on the baseline.
  • Teach them to pivot by keeping their left foot on the floor and pivot around using reverse quarter steps on your command “Pivot!”
  • After 4 pivots they should be facing forward again.
  • Have them relax and then repeat the drill using the other foot as their pivot foot.

Key Points

Help the players understand the basics of pivoting while gaining comfort, confidence, and balance while pivoting. Ensure players stay in a good stance while pivoting.

5 Pass Knockout

(5 minutes)
  • Divide players into teams of 3-6. Have two teams match up against each other in a designated space using the court lines.
  • Use substitutions if the teams are not even. The offensive team starts with the ball. They are trying to complete 5 passes in the designated space using pivots and cuts. No dribbling allowed.
  • The defensive team is trying to stop the passes. If they tap the ball, the ball goes out of bounds, cause a travel, they pick up the ball and are immediately on offense to complete the 5 passes.


  • Passes completed off a pivot are worth 2 points and all other passes are worth 1 point.
  • Remove a player on the defensive team so that the offensive passing team has one player open.


  • Count how many times a team can get to 5 passes.
  • Use inside the key or inside the 3 point line as the designated space. Add that after the 5 passes a team also needs to score to get the point.


Self-Toss Rebound Drill

(3 x 8)
  • All players need a basketball (or can share) and divide into 3 lines at each basket.
  • The first players in line use two hands to toss the ball into the air.
  • The player will move towards the ball, jump and catch the ball at their peak.
  • Once players land with the ball, they attempt one shot at the basket. They get their rebound and return to their line.
  • The drill repeats with the next group of players.


  • Players must yell “I got it!”,”Mine!” or “Ball!” when they grab the rebound.


  • Players do not have basketballs. The coach shoots the ball off the backboard and the first 3 players in line attempt to get the rebound. Whoever gets the rebound gets to attempt a shot without defense.

Key Points

It is important for the players to see the ball, track its trajectory and jump and catch the ball at their peak.


Frequent Flyers

(2 games)
  • Place approximately 5 cones around the perimeter and name each after a city. Divide the players into 2 groups (offense and defense). Make sure the offense has more player (3:1, 4:2, 5:2 etc.).
  • Every player on offense has a ball and will start at one of the cones. The defense will all start in the lane. When the game starts the offensive players will try to dribble in and score inside the paint while the defense tries to stop them.
  • After a made shot starting from a cone, the offensive player has “stamped their passport” from that location and will try to score from the remaining cones that they have not scored from. If a player misses a shot they can start at any cone next that they have not scored from.
  • Once a player has scored from all spots, they win the game. Change players and play again.

Key Points

Only allow 1 shot per drive. Adjust the number of defenders to make the game easier or harder.

Wrap Battle

(1 x 3 minutes )
  • Divide the group into two teams and have them line up next to eachother on the free throw line. Use as many baskets as possible. The first player in each line starts with a basketball.
  • The first two players tap their basketballs together to start and then must wrap the ball around their waist three times before taking a shot. The first player to make a shot or a put back gets a point for their team.
  • The players then pass the ball to the next two players in line and the game continues. The game goes on for three minutes and the team with the most points at the end wins.


  • Players wrap the ball around different body parts before shooting (head, one leg, ankles).


  • After wrapping the ball, players dribble in for a layup instead of a jump shot.

Team Concepts


Reverse the Ball Drill

(games to 8)
  • Start with a player on the wing. Place another player at the top of the key and another player on the opposite wing, and the remaining players in a line under the basket as rebounders.
  • The coach will stand as a defender on the player at the opposite wing.
  • The player at the front of the line on the wing will start with the ball in a triple threat stance and when the coach says “Reverse the ball!” the player will pass the ball to the top of the key.
  • The player at the top of the key will quickly catch and pass the ball to the other wing so that the ball has been “reversed” to the other side.
  • When the player on the opposite wing catches the ball, they will read the defense of the coach and make a decision: If the coach is close to them and contesting a shot, they will drive to the basket for a layup. If the coach is giving them space and keeping their hands down, they will shoot the ball. After shooting, the offensive player goes to the rebounding line.
  • The player that gets the rebound will make an outlet pass to the wing where the ball started and then go to the end of that line.
  • The player who passed from wing will move to the top, the player from the top will move to the shooting wing, and the wing that started the drill will move to the top.
  • Have a group at another basket doing the same thing and compete to 8 makes and then change directions and then change to a 1 dribble pull up for 2 games.

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Key Points

To ensure balance, have the players land in the jump stop position and count to 3 before jogging to the next spot.



2 on 2 Numbers Game

(games to 5)
  • Assign 2 players to each number and have everybody stand on the baseline. The two players with the same number our teammates and will be playing together.
  • Throw the ball on the court and call out 2 numbers.
  • The 2 players with those numbers will go for the ball and whoever gets the ball will be on offense and the other 2 on defense for 1 possession and 1 shot of 2 on 2.
  • Evenly mix up the numbers you call and the game is over when any team gets to 5 points playing by 1’s.

Key Points

Encourage the players to hustle to the ball and make good team plays to score. Also encourage the defensive team to move their feet, play active defense and contest all shots.

Compliment Session


Gather the players together. Players group with 1-2 players next to them and share answers to the prompted questions.

  • Ask players to share something they did well, what enjoyed about today’s practice or something positive about another player’s actions.
  • Have players switch groups and ask some players to share their groups answers. Coach can build onto the player responses.

Key Points

All compliments should be natural. Not every player has to give or receive a compliment.

Skills Checklist

At the conclusion of the Rookie Level, Jr. NBA players should be proficient at each of the following skills. Judging proficiency at this level is the responsibility of the coach.

Ball Handling




          Footwork & Conditioning


