Rookie Practice Plans

Welcome to the Rookie Level practice plans. The Rookie level focuses on having fun, being active, and learning the basic fundamental skills of basketball. There are three options for viewing these practice plans.

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Rookie Practice Plan 11

Cultivating Values & Developing Wellness


Respect: Refs

  • Are refs capable of making mistakes?
  • Are they trying their best just like you are?
  • Will arguing cause a ref to change their call?

Respect: Refs


Warm Up


Freeze Tag

(2 minutes)
  • One player or the coach will be designated as “it.”
  • When the person designated as “it” tags another player, they are “frozen” and must stand in place without moving.
  • A player can on be unfrozen if another unfrozen player comes and touches them.
  • Designate boundaries based on numbers (i.e. stay inside of half court.)
  • Complete the game when all players are frozen.
  • If needed, add multiple players who are “it”.


  • All non-taggers have a basketball and must dribble when


  • Divide into two teams: One team is “it” and must attempt to freeze the entire other team as fast as they can. After one round, switch roles and the team with the fastest time wins.

Building Skills


Ball Handling

Mascot Tag

(2 minutes)
  • On a half court, use the sidelines as goal lines and use cones to mark a line that splits the court in half (from baseline to half court).
  • Create 2 teams. Each team will decide a name based on which NBA mascot they think is the fastest. Every player will have a ball and line up along the cones on their teams side facing the other team.
  • Tell the players to listen carefully to the coaches story – which will be made up and include one of the team’s mascot. When the coach says the mascot, that team must try to dribble back to their sideline without being tagged by the other team dribbling after them.
  • If a player tags a retreating player, they receive a point. Have players keep up with their points to count at the end!
  • Reset at the cones and tell another story to continue. Sample Story: “I was driving down the road yesterday and I saw HAWKS flying over my car.” The team named “Hawks” would dribble back towards their sideline.

Follow the Leader

(3 x 1 minute)
  • All players will have a ball and will spread out in a straight line behind the coach.
  • The coach will be the first leader and will walk/jog around the gym doing any action (i.e. circling the basketball around their waste, dribbling with one hand).
  • Players must follow the leader and do whatever the leader does.
  • The leader will do the action for 5-15 seconds before changing to another action (i.e. shuffle/lateral dribble).
  • The leader remains the leader for 1 minute. Then have the leader give a high-five to another player or coach to become the new leader.


Block to Block Shooting Drill

(2 x 30 seconds)
  • Have the players partner up with a basketball at a basket.
  • 1 player will start with the ball on the block.
  • When it’s time to start that player will shoot and quickly run to the other block.
  • The player or the partner will rebound the ball and pass to the shooter on the other block quickly.
  • The shooter will continue going back and forth after every shot and the rebounder will continue to help rebound and pass the ball if needed.
  • After 30 seconds switch and let the players change roles.

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  • Partners count how many makes the shooter has so they can try to beat their previous score.


  • Players can move back or up the free throw line and adjust their shooting angle on the backboard.
  • Rebounders can put a hand up as a distraction when the shooter is shooting. If the defense is too close to shoot, the shooter leaves the ball and cuts to the other block to receive a new pass.

Key Points

Have the players work on using the backboard and hitting the square. Also have the partners count how many makes the shooter has so that they can try to beat their previous best score.


Around the World

(1 game)
  • Place five cones around the court as five shooting spots and divide the players evenly at the cones.
  • The first player in each line will have a basketball.
  • Each player will shoot the ball, get their rebound, and return to the back of that same line.
  • The players will cycle through so that each player gets 3 shots from that specific spot.
  • After these 3 attempts by everybody, all groups will rotate to the next spot and repeat until each team has shot at all five spots.
  • The team will count their total makes as they go around and the team with the most makes, wins.


Dribble, Jump Stop, & Pass Drill

(2 minutes each side)
  • Have 2 lines at half court set up between the sideline and center court beside each other.
  • The inside line has a ball. The first players in each line face each other and have all hands on the ball. They pull at the ball with one player being successful. The player that pulled the ball away will dribble to the free throw line, come to a good jump stop and make a good bounce pass to the player running and filling in up the sideline.
  • The player from the side line will shoot a lay-up and the passer will get the rebound and the players will switch lines.
  • This will continue for 2 minutes. This can run on both sides of the half court or at two different baskets.

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  • Players that win the ball can choose to dribble and jump stop at either the wing or the top. The other player fills in the opposite spot for the pass and layup from the wing or from the top.
  • Add a coach defender that chooses to guard the offensive player without the ball, so the player with the ball continues for a layup. Or the coach defender steps to guard the player handling the ball, who would come to a jump stop and pass to their teammate.

Key Points

The players should dribble under control and come to solid jump stop to make the bounce pass to a sprinting finisher.



Toss & Get It Drill

(2 minutes each side)
  • Have the players in a line in the paint. Throw the ball up off the backboard and have the first player in line grab the rebound chin it and toss it back to you and go to the end of the line.
  • The player will go to the back of the line and the next player will step and continue the same action.


  • After rebounding have the player take one shot attempt to make a basket before continuing to the end of the line.


  • Before every rebound, have all players squat and jump as high as they can to grab an imaginary rebound. When everyone lands, the coach will toss the ball off the backboard for the first player in line and continue the drill as described.

Key Points

Emphasize the players seeing the ball, timing their jump, and once they have the rebound chin the ball.

Dribble Relays

(2 games)
  • Divide the players into even groups and have them line up on the baseline with the first person in line with a ball.
  • Designate an end line for the relay race depending on your court space. It could be the opposite baseline, the half-court line, or any other line.
  • On the coach’s command the first player will dribble to the designated end line, jump stop, pick up their ball and back-pedal back to their line. Once they get back to their line, they give the next player in line a high five and give them the ball.
  • Once everybody has gone 3 times, the team has finished.
  • Next do the same thing with the other hand.

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  • Instead of backpedaling, have players defensive slide or turn and sprint back to their lines.

Key Points

Make sure the players have a lot of energy and enjoy this. Encourage the players to be good teammates throughout this game.


Team Concepts


Follow the Leader Slides

(1 x 10 seconds each player)
  • Have the players spread out on the court all facing the same direction.
  • Have 1 player become the leader at the front by turning and facing the rest of the team.
  • For roughly 10 seconds the leader will energetically complete defensive movements by saying and doing the action while the team tries to mirror the leader. The leader can do foot fire, slides,
    jumps, loose ball, charges etc.
  • After around 10 seconds have the full group clap and bring energy as the leader goes into the group and gives a high-five to another player. That player will now become the leader for a new round.

Pass & Cut Drill

(3 minutes each way)
  • Players line up at the top of the key with a few balls at the front of the line, and another line on the wing. The coach will play defense on the player at the front of the line at the top of the key.
  • The players pass the ball to the player on the wing and then cut by running to the basket. The player on the wing will catch the pass and look to pass it back to the cutting player.
  • The coach will either defend the cutter as they cut to the basket or let them cut freely. The player on the wing must make a decision to either pass to cutter if open, or drive and shoot a layup if the cutter is defended.

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Key Points

Emphasize a good pass and a quick cut looking for the ball.



3 On 3 Numbers Game

(games to 3)
  • Assign 3 players to each number and have everybody stand on the baseline. The three players with the same number our teammates and will be playing together.
  • Throw the ball on the court and call out 2 numbers.
  • The 3 players with those numbers will go for the ball and whoever gets the ball will be on offense and the other 3 on defense for 1 possession and 1 shot of 3 on 3.
  • Evenly mix up the numbers you call and the game is over when any team gets to 5 points playing by 1’s.

Key Points

Encourage the players to hustle to the ball and make good team plays to score. Also encourage the defensive team to move their feet, play active defense and contest all shots.

Compliment Session


Gather the players together. Players group with 1-2 players next to them and share answers to the prompted questions.

  • Ask players to share something they did well, what enjoyed about today’s practice or something positive about another player’s actions.
  • Have players switch groups and ask some players to share their groups answers. Coach can build onto the player responses.

Key Points

All compliments should be natural. Not every player has to give or receive a compliment.

Skills Checklist

At the conclusion of the Rookie Level, Jr. NBA players should be proficient at each of the following skills. Judging proficiency at this level is the responsibility of the coach.

Ball Handling




          Footwork & Conditioning


