Remove Pressure from the Sideline

If parents enjoy watching their kid from the stands, their kids performs better and makes fewer mistakes once you can remove pressure from the sideline.

In Jesse Mermuys’ vast coaching experience at every level, players tend to put more pressure on themselves than they need to. Because kids are already putting so much pressure on themselves, Mermuys advises parents and coaches limit the amount of pressure they put on an athlete. When parents sit in the stands and just watch their kid play, and simply make a few positive comments after the game, the kids tend to play with more joy, make fewer mistakes, and perform better. The better job coaches and parents can do to reduce pressure, the more likely it is that kids will perform well.

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Positive Coaching Alliance develops BETTER ATHLETES, BETTER PEOPLE through resources for youth and high school sports coaches, parents, administrators and student-athletes. In addition to 1,000+ free audio-video and printable tips and tools at, PCA has partnered with roughly 3,000 schools and youth sports organizations nationwide to deliver live group workshops, online courses and books that help those involved in youth and high school sports create a positive, character-building youth sports culture.

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