Thank you for your interest in being an official Jr. NBA 3v3 presented by Under Armour league operator for the 2020-21 season. The application for the 2019-20 season is now closed, but you can apply for consideration for the 2020-21 season. To be considered as an official operator for the 11U, 12U, and 13 years old or 8th grade boys’ and girls’ divisions, please complete the following application. All fields are required.

Application Process for the 2020-21 Season

STEP 1: Complete and submit the Jr. NBA presented by Under Armour League Operator 3v3 Event Application.

  • Applications are considered and either approved, denied or waitlisted in the order they are received.
  • • To obtain more information including age requirements, approval process and criteria, please contact Dan Cramer (

STEP 2: All applications will be reviewed by the Jr. NBA for approval by August 31, 2020.

STEP 3: Once your application has been approved, Jr. NBA will set up a league overview call.

STEP 4: The Jr. NBA will send a 3v3 League Agreement to be signed and returned within 14 days.

STEP 5: Your league details will be placed on the official Jr. NBA 3v3 Microsite.

STEP 6: Promotion for the 2020 Jr. NBA 3v3 Under Armour league may begin when permitted by the Jr. NBA.