How to Dribble a Basketball

The better you can dribble, the more opportunities you and your teammates will have at the offensive end of the court. Learn how to dribble a basketball with the Jr. NBA!

The goal is to be able to dribble with either hand without looking down at the ball. That means keeping your head up to see what the defensive players are doing and the location of your team-mates. Remember to use your fingers and fingertips, not the palm of your hands, to control the ball and try not to let the ball bounce above your waist.

How to Dribble a Basketball

  1. Keep your head up and your eyes on the game. Don’t look at the ball.
  2. Extend your arm and snap your wrists to send the ball into the ground.
  3. Use your fingers, not your palm, to control the ball.
  4. Do not bounce the ball too high while dribbling. That will give you more control over the ball make it harder for defenders to steal the ball.
  5. Use your body and your non-dribbling arm to shield the ball from defenders.
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