MVP Practice Plans

At the MVP Level, players will begin competing more frequently in order to apply and refine the skills they have developed. Players will also begin to specialize and fit into more specific roles and positions. Team tactics and game strategy will also be further implemented in the MVP Level.

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MVP Practice Plan 5

Cultivating Values & Developing Wellness


Injury Prevention

  • Players can’t produce if they’re unable to play, so coaches and players should do everything in their power to prevent injury. That starts with basic safety measures, such as ensuring playable surfaces (dry, free of debris, holes, bumps, etc.), bleachers a safe distance from the floor and padding on walls near baselines. In venues that don’t accommodate, coaches and players should at least be aware of the dangers and adjust accordingly. Coaches also can talk to referees about paying extra attention to player safety in those surroundings, and players can help matters by curtailing overly physical play.

Warm Up


Partner Resistance Warm-Up

(20 seconds each)
  • Have the players partner up and give each other resistance for the allotted amount of time with the following exercises:
    • Stance
    • Knees
    • Running Long Stride
    • Plank
    • Arms
    • Running Small Steps

Building Skills


Ball Handling

Early-Cross Jab Series

(4 minutes)
  • Have the players get a ball and a partner.
  • The player with the ball will dribble towards the defender but before they are too close to the defender, they will change the ball from one hand to the other.
  • Right after changing hands, the player will drop and give jab step that will push them in the opposite direction past the defender.
  • Make sure to work on it with both hands and changes roles with the partner.

Hard Step, Hard Pound Breakdown Drill

(2 minutes)
  • Have the players start with a ball on the baseline.
  • The players will take two fast dribbles forward with the right hand.
  • After running for two dribbles, the players will make a hard stop by stopping with their right hand making a hard dribble at the same time as their foot making a hard step to stop.
  • Make sure to work on this to both sides.


Hard Step & Shoot

(4 minutes each way)
  • Have the players start with a ball and get into 3 lines at the top.
  • The first player in each line will take two hard fast dribbles forward with the right hand.
  • After running for two dribbles, the players will make a quick stop by stopping with their right hand making a hard dribble at the same time as their foot making a hard step to stop.
  • They will then take a shot, get their rebound and move to the back of the line.
  • Make sure to work on this to both sides.

Full Court Transition Shooting Drill

(3 minutes)
  • A minimum of 9 players are needed to execute this drill.
  • Divide the players into 3 groups, 1 group will line up on the baseline on 1 side of the court, another group will line up on the baseline in the middle of the court, and the 3rd group will line up on the baseline on the other side of the court.
  • Place 1 player from each line on the opposite baseline with a ball.
  • Place 1 player from each line at half court.
  • And make sure the first person on the baseline has a ball.
  • The player at half court will run towards the line on one of the baselines.
  • The player with the ball on the baseline will pass the ball to the player who will catch and shoot.
  • After shooting, the player will get the rebound and go to the back of the line.
  • After passing, the player will run all the way towards the other baseline and catch a pass from the opposite baseline and shoot.
  • After the shot, the player will get their rebound and get ready to be a passer from that baseline.
  • Following the pass, the player will sprint to the opposite end to catch and shoot.
  • The rule is, pass and run the length of the floor to catch and shoot.
  • The coaches can mix up the type of shots.
  • After a team makes the dictated amount of shots, the teams can rotate spots on the court.

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Fundamentals of If Fronted Flash

  • If fronted flash is an offensive concept that requires the players to recognize how the defense is playing against a post player. If the defensive is fronted the post player on the block, the offense must recognize this and take away any help defenders by having the player whose defender is helping, flash to the high post. By flashing to the high post, their defender must decide if they will continue to help on the low post player or come up to guard their player at the high post. Upon catching at the high post, the offensive player will read the defense to either shoot, drive, or make the high low pass.

Fundamentals of the High Low Pass

  • The high low pass gets its name because it is a pass from the high post to the low post. The high low pass is often a lob pass that goes over the low post defender with nice touch so the offensive player can catch and score.

High Low Passing Drill

(4 each side)
  • Have the coach start on the wing and a post player and defender on the ball side block with a line on the opposite block.
  • Everyone in the line can have a ball and the first person will start by passing the ball to the coach on the wing across from them.
  • The coach will look into the post where the defender will be fronting the offensive player.
  • That helps the player on the opposite block know to flash to the high post for the ball.
  • The coach will pass the ball to the high post and that player will make a high low pass into the post player who will finish.
  • The player who flashed will become the defender on the block, the defender will become the offensive player on the block and the offensive player will go to the back of the line.
  • Repeat this process for the allotted number of reps.

Team Concepts


Curl & Pop Drill

(15 makes each way)
  • Have 2 lines, 1 on the elbow and one on the same side wing.
  • The players on the elbow will have a ball and toss it to the coach at the top.
  • The player at the elbow will go set a screen for the player on the wing.
  • The player on the wing will curl hard assuming that their defender is going over top.
  • The screener will assume that his defender must help on the curl and pop back to the ball.
  • The coach will pass the screener the ball who will shoot the designated shot.
  • The players will switch lines and continue the process.
  • Continue until the allotted number of shots has been made and then switch sides.

Slip Pass Drill

(3 x each side)
  • Place a passing line at the top of the key, a screening line on the wing, and a shooting line on the same baseline.
  • The coach will defend the screeners from the screening line.
  • As the screener goes to set the screen, the coach will either drop back and defend the screen below the play, or step up and jump out on the shooter coming off the screen.
  • The passer and screener must read how the coach defends the screen; if the coach drops back, the passer will pass to the shooter coming off the screen. If the coach steps up the screener will slip and the passer will pass the ball to the screener as they slip to the basket.
  • The passing line will rotate to the screening line, the screening line will move to the shooting line, and the shooting line will move to the passing line.
  • Utilize both sides of the court and multiple baskets to maximize reps.
  • If there aren’t enough coaches, have a player execute the coach’s role.

11-Person Transition Drill

(5 minutes)
  • This drill is the 11-person transition drill because there must be at least 11 players to make it work.
  • There are 2 defenders at each basket and there are 3 offensive players going towards 1 basket which is 7 players.
  • The remaining four spots are on the sideline on in between half court and the free throw line on each side of the court where a player could receive an outlet pass. With these four spots filled, there are 11 players needed.
  • The players will move towards a basket in a 3 on 2 break.
  • After 1 shot or a turnover, what ever player gets the ball (offense or defense) will make an outlet pass to one of the players on the sidelines.
  • After the outlet the player will dribble to the middle of the floor and the player who made the outlet will fill the lane that they passed it to and the other player on the sideline will fill the opposite lane.
  • These 3 players will attack 3 on 2.
  • After a shot or turnover, any player can get the ball and repeat the process going back.
  • The two defensive players will step off and two of the offensive players will become defense while the other players will fill in the outlet lines.
  • Continue this transition process for the allotted amount of time.

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1 on 1 From Post Cross Screen

(games to 4)
  • Have the players partner up and have 2 teams start on offense and defense on the blocks.
  • The coach will start with the ball on the wing and the player on the ball side wing will set a cross screen for the other big.
  • The defensive players aren’t allowed to switch and when the coach passes the ball into the post, the game is live.
  • After the possession, the defense will go to offense and the offense will rotate off as a new team comes on defense.
  • Play to the designated score.

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2 on 2 From High Low Flash

(games to 4)
  • Have the coach start on the wing and a post player and defender on the ball side block with an offensive and defensive player on the opposite block.
  • All the other players will be partner up and rotate in offense to defense and defense off.
  • The ball will start with the coach on the wing.
  • The coach will look into the post where the defender will be fronting the offensive player.
  • At that time, the player on the opposite block will know to flash to the high post for the ball.
  • The coach will pass the ball to the high post and the game becomes live for one possession.
  • After the shot or turnover, the players will rotate.

Shell Drill – 4 on 4

(5 stops)
  • Divide the players into groups of 4 and start with 1 team on defense and one team on offense.
  • The offense should only have players on the perimeter and no post players.
  • The offense is only allowed to pass and cut (no screens).
  • After 5 passes, the ball will become live and the offensive team can try to score but are still not allowed to screen.
  • Switch teams every possession.

Shell Drill 5 on 5 to Live

(5 stops)
  • Place 5 markers on the perimeter and have a balanced line of players behind each one.
  • The first 5 players up will pass and cut or pass and always fill the open spot on the court when a player leaves it.
  • Encourage the players to work together to move the ball quickly and find and fill the open spots.
  • After 5 controlled passes, the ball becomes live and the players can do anything offensively to take a shot.
  • After the shot, the group will get their rebound and go to the back of the lines and the next 5 players will step on and repeat the process.

25 Point Free Throw Game

(1 game)
  • Utilize as many baskets as possible and have 1 player shooting at a time per basket.
  • Each player will shoot 5 straight free throws until all players have shot.
  • After all players have taken 5 free throws, the player with the highest score wins.
  • The maximum number of points a player can score is 25 points or 5 points per shot.
  • Here is how it is scored:
    • 5 If the player makes the shot nothing but net and the ball is coming back toward the free throw line so that the player can grab the ball with 1 foot still touching the free throw line, the player is awarded 5 points.
    • 4 If the player makes the shot nothing but net and the ball does not come back toward the free throw line and they cannot grab the ball with 1 foot still touching the free throw line, the player is awarded get 4 points.
    • 3 If the player makes the shot but the ball makes contact with the rim (or backboard) 1 time, the player is awarded 3 points.
    • 2 If the player makes the shot but the ball makes contact with the rim (or backboard) 2 times, the player is awarded 2 points.
    • 1 If the player makes the shot but the ball makes contact with the rim (or backboard) 3 times or rolls around on the rim, the player is awarded 1 point.
    • 0 If the player misses the shot, they are awarded 0 points.
  • Have a coach or other players count their points after every shot for 5 shots.

Key Points

This drill teaches the players to be extremely focused on their free throws. Often players will make the shot but will be frustrated with their score. The scoring system also allows them to set goals and beat their record.

Compliment Session


Gather the players together. Players group with 1-2 players next to them and share answers to the prompted questions.

  • Ask players to share something they did well, what enjoyed about today’s practice or something positive about another player’s actions.
  • Have players switch groups and ask some players to share their groups answers. Coach can build onto the player responses.

Key Points

All compliments should be natural. Not every player has to give or receive a compliment.

Skills Checklist

At the conclusion of the MVP Level, Jr. NBA players should be proficient at each of the following skills. Judging proficiency at this level is the responsibility of the coach.

Ball Handling




