All-Star Practice Plans

At the All-Star Level, players will begin to gain strength, quickness and the ability to better react to game situations. Practices will shift towards team concepts and competition, while still heavily emphasizing skill development.

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All-Star Practice Plan 3

Cultivating Values & Developing Wellness



  • Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) advances the idea that leadership is for everyone. All people have unique strengths, skills and voices that they can exert as leaders under different circumstances. It’s not always the biggest, strongest, most athletic player who leads. Sometimes it is the grittiest, toughest, biggest-hearted player who leads. Other times, it is the smartest player, the one with the best ideas or understanding of the game situation that the team turns to for leadership. And still others, the leader is the player who knows just the right thing to say at the right time to encourage teammates to rise to the next level.

Warm Up


Dynamic Warm-Up Part 6

  • Bent Knee Side Plank
  • Split Squat Hold
  • Toes & Chest
  • Stationary A-Skip
  • Lateral Bound
  • Power Skips
  • Heels & Shoulders
  • Forward Walking Lunge

Building Skills


Ball Handling

Full Court Cone Dribbling

(5 minutes)
  • Line 10 cones up down the court just inside one sideline and spread out 5 cones just inside the other sideline.
  • Have all the players start on the baseline on the side with 10 cones with a ball.
  • Dictate the dribble move that you want the players to work on through the 10 cones.
  • The first player will dribble through the cones and when they are through the first 3-4 cones the next player will start.
  • When the players get through the 10th cone, have the attack the basket and finish how you have asked them to finish.
  • Then they will return up the other side of the court dribbling through the 5 cones.
  • As they dribble through the 5 cones, let them be creative and dribble as they wish and finish a shot at the other basket as they wish.
  • To ensure the players are dribbling through the 10 cones with their eyes up, have them keep their eyes on the basket in front of them and as any player in front of them shoots, they should call out “make” or “miss” according to the shot going in or not.

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Stationary 1-2 Behind the Back Drill

(2 x 30 seconds)
  • Have the players find a space on the court with a ball (or share).
  • The players will start in a good stance and will dribble the ball 2 times in the same hand and then dribble behind their back.
  • Then they will dribble with the other hand 2 times, and repeat behind their back.
  • The players will continue this sequence for the allotted amount of time.

Key Points

This dribble should not be a wrap behind the back. The behind the back dribble should be more like a slide behind the back dribble that functions like a crossover does in front of the body meaning that the ball stays behind the back the entire dribble and should not come forward. Work on 2 strong dribbles and throwing it behind the back hard.

Behind the Back Challenge

(2-3 minutes)
  • Have the players find a space on the court with a ball (or share).
  • The players will start in a good stance and will dribble the ball behind their back consecutively as many times in a row as possible.
  • The players should count their consecutive dribbles so they have a score that they can continually try to beat.
  • After any mistake, the players should reset and try again.

Key Points

This dribble should not be a wrap behind the back. The behind the back dribble should be more like a slide behind the back dribble that functions like a crossover does in front of the body meaning that the ball stays behind the back the entire dribble and should not come forward.

Reaction Dribble

(2 x 1 minute)
  • Have the players find a space on the court with a ball (or share).
  • The players will start in a good stance and will dribble the ball how ever they would like.
  • When coach blows the whistle (or says “Change!”) the players will change their dribble move quickly.
  • This drill should be fast and active and allows the players to dribble creatively.


Pound Pass Drill

(2 x 30 seconds each way)
  • Have the players partner up and get a ball.
  • The partners will stand at least the lane width apart.
  • The partner with the ball will start by pounding the ball and then passing it out to their partner with one hand.
  • The pass should not be underhand, it should overhand with their hand behind the ball and their fingers pointing up.
  • The partner will catch the ball with one hand and repeat the action back to their partner.
  • The players should work at an intense speed.
  • Change the types of dribbles leading into the pass to keep the drill fresh.

Stationary 2-Ball Passing Drill

(2 x 30 seconds)
  • Have the players partner up and have two balls per group.
  • One ball will start with one partner and the other will start with the other partner as the line up across from each other at around the lane line distance.
  • The players will sit in a good stance and pass both balls back and forth.
  • The ball that is one players right hand will pass to the other players left hand and will stay on that side. The other ball will work on the other side of their bodies.
  • Continue for the allotted amount of time.


3-Line Layups Add Variations

(1 x 2 minutes)
  • Group the players into three lines facing the basket around the 3-point line (1 line on each wing and 1 line at the top of the key).
  • The first person in each line should have a ball and dribble in for a lay-up.
  • After the lay-up, the player will get their own rebound, pass it to the next person in line and go to the back of the same line.
  • The players in each line will have different finishes (right hand and left hand from the wing and a lay-up with no backboard in the middle).
  • Mix in different finishes such as the euro step. After 90 seconds the players will rotate lines.


  • The middle line becomes a defender and one side line becomes an offensive player (no ball). Now, one player has a basketball and it becomes a 2 on 1 live game.
  • Set a time limit of 10 seconds for each possession and players can only score with a layup.

Key Points

Note that there will be multiple players shooting at the same time. Remind the players that in a game there will be other players close to them as the try to score and it’s ok. Work on finishing lay-up in a variety of ways.

3-Person Shooting

(2 x 10 shots each)
  • Have the players get in groups of 3.
  • There will be 1 player that shoots 10 straight shots.
  • Another player will pass, and another player will rebound.
  • After 10 shots, the shooter will become the rebounder, the rebounder will become the passer, and the passer will become the shooter.
  • This process will continue until the players get the allotted amount of shots.

Key Points

Use this drill to get a lot of game speed shots. Make sure the rebounder is hustling for rebounds and the passer is giving good game passes.

Team Concepts


L-Cut Drill

(1 x 2 minutes each way)
  • Have two lines on the baseline with 2-3 balls in each line and a coach at the top of the key aligned to each line.
  • The first player will pass their ball up to coach and will come up the lane line and explode out by changing speeds and getting to the wing.
  • The coach will pass the ball to the player on the wing who will then work on a designated move and shot.
  • As the player is completing their move, the next player in line will pass the ball to the coach and repeat the same action.
  • The players will continue for the allotted amount of time before switching sides.

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Key Points

Work on changing speeds and changing directions to get open. Once the player is open, they will execute efficient moves to score.

Fundamentals of Filling the Corner

  • Often in basketball a player will drive the ball towards the basket on the baseline side. As the player drives baseline, the defense will typically rotate over to help. When this happens, the easiest pass for the offensive player to make is straight in front of them to the opposite corner. For this reason, it is important for the offensive player on the weak side to fill the corner.

Filling the Corner Drill

(1 x 15 makes each way)
  • Have one line on the wing with a ball and another line on the other wing.
  • Have the line with the ball drive towards the basket on the baseline side.
  • As the player drives, the player on the other wing will be dropping to fill the corner.
  • As the player gets close to the basket, they will pass the ball to their teammate in the corner to catch and shoot.
  • The players will get the rebound and switch lines.
  • The next players in line will continue until the team has made the allotted number of shots and will then do the same thing the other way.

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Key Points

Make sure the players dribbling into paint with the thought of scoring. Players should make a good pass to the player who is ready to catch the pass with their hands up and knees bent ready to shoot.

Fundamentals of Help the Helper

  • Help the helper is a defensive concept rooted in the understanding that defense is played as a team and the players must help each other. When a player gets beat, it is the rest of the team’s job to help stop the player they were guarding. There is a specific defensive rotation for who should help. There are different terms used for helping the helper, but as the player helps a player who has been beat, there must be someone who “helps the helper” in order to prevent an easy shot. Helping the helper is an important part of any teams defense and rebounding philosophy.

Shell Drill – 3 on 3

(5-7 minutes)
  • Work on defensive principles by dividing into groups of three and working on defensive communication and positioning.
  • 3 players will be on offense, 3 on defense and 3 more ready to come in with a rotation of 3 in on offense, offense moves to defense, and defense comes off.
  • The offensive players will pass the ball according to the coaches command and the defense will adjust to the correct spot.
  • Coaches can allow the offensive to cut or screen if the players are ready for that.
  • After a brief time of proper execution, the teams should rotate and repeat.



3 on 3 from Help the Helper

(games to 3)
  • Divide the players into teams of 3.
  • Utilize both baskets if there are four or more teams.
  • The game must start with a baseline drive, a help player stopping the ball and the 3rd player “helping the helper”.
  • The offensive player must kick the ball out and then the game is live and the players can move and play as they choose.
  • Every change of possession, the ball must get back to the top of the key in order to start the next possession.
  • If the offense scores, they get the ball back.
  • Keep the game moving quickly but not requiring a “check,” and allowing players to get to the top of the key and start their possession.

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5 on 5 Dictated – No Dribbles

(games to 3)
  • Divide the players into teams and play full court games to 3 made baskets.
  • No dribbles may be taken by either team.

5 on 5 Situational Play

(3 x)
  • Divide the players into teams and provide a specific game situation.
  • Game situations may be, giving a team the ball and telling them they are winning by 1 point with the ball with 45 seconds remaining.
  • Another game situation may be, losing by 2 with the ball and 2:30 left in the game.
  • Help the players understand game and clock management and reinforce key points that come up in the situational play.

Compliment Session


Gather the players together. Players group with 1-2 players next to them and share answers to the prompted questions.

  • Ask players to share something they did well, what enjoyed about today’s practice or something positive about another player’s actions.
  • Have players switch groups and ask some players to share their groups answers. Coach can build onto the player responses.

Key Points

All compliments should be natural. Not every player has to give or receive a compliment.

Skills Checklist

At the conclusion of the All-Star Level, Jr. NBA players should be proficient at each of the following skills. Judging proficiency at this level is the responsibility of the coach.

Ball Handling



        Footwork & Conditioning



