At the All-Star Level, players will begin to gain strength, quickness and the ability to better react to game situations. Practices will shift towards team concepts and competition, while still heavily emphasizing skill development.
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One way to show sportsmanship instead of just saying “good game” is to give each opposing player and coach a firm handshake, eye contact and a sincere “thanks for the game” or “I enjoyed competing with you.” If you are serious about your sportsmanship, you may even pay a specific compliment, for example, if they shot well or played clean, hard defense. Good sportsmanship does not mean you don’t mind losing; it means you are willing to win – or lose – with honor.
Warm Up
Dynamic Warm-Up Part 4
(1 x each from baseline to half court or vice versa)
Leg Swings
Knee Hugs
Imaginary Dunks
Backwards Run
Trunk Twists
Explosion Leap
Building Skills
Ball Handling
Pull Back Dribble Breakdown Drill
(2 x 30 seconds each way)
All players need a basketball (or share) and should stand on the sideline.
Place a cone out in front of each player that is a good long stride away from them.
Have the players push forward off their left foot and put their right foot out in front in a long stride.
As their right foot hits the floor out in front, the ball will also be out in front in two hands near their right foot.
Have the players push back off their right foot their left foot and pull the ball back with one bounce as they move.
Their left foot shoot be their pivot foot as the come back to balance and hold the ball.
Players should continually repeat this action and also switch to the other side.
Work on making a good strong move and pulling back quickly.
3-2-1 In & Out Dribble Drill
(3 x each side)
Have the players start at half court and the sideline with a ball.
Utilize the other side and other basket if needed.
The players will move forward by dribbling 1 time forward and then take an in and out dribble.
The player will again raise up and dribble 1 time forward followed by 2 in and out dribbles.
The player will again raise up and dribble 1 time forward and then drop to make an in and out crossover and stride into a shot.
The player will get their own rebound and go to the back of the line.
Key Points
Work on standing up and dropping down to make the move. Also work on the footwork within each in and out move.
Stationary 2-Ball 1.2. Cross Drill
(2 x 40 seconds)
All players should get 2 balls (or share) and find space on the court.
The players will start by dribbling two balls at the same time for 2 dribbles.
After the 2 dribbles, the players will cross the balls in front of them so that the ball that was in the left hand is now in the right hand and the ball that was in the right hand is in the left hand.
The players will repeat this sequence for the allotted amount of time.
Key Points
Make sure the 2 dribbles are pound dribbles and they crossovers are quick.
Between Cross Behind
(2 x 30 seconds)
All the players should have a ball (or share) and find space on the court.
On the coaches command, the players will begin dribbling in the sequence of between, cross, behind.
If the player makes a mistake during that process, they will start over with between.
If they complete 3 consecutive dribbles of between, cross, behind, they will count that as 1 rep.
The players will continue this process and get as many reps as possible in the allotted amount of time.
Key Points
It will help the players to say the sequence as they go so they complete the reps in the correct order. Challenge the players to move quickly and beat previous scores.
Fundamentals of the Curl Cut
The curl cut is a cut an offensive player makes when they come off a screen. The curl cut usually happens when the defender plays the offensive player very tight and tries to ride them over the top of the screen. By curling tight around the screener, the offensive player has the opportunity to catch the ball moving towards the basket with the defender behind them.
Reading Screen Series – Curl Cut, Straight Cut, Out Cut
(6 makes each)
Place a line of players at the top of the key with the first 3 players having a ball.
Have a shooter, a ½ speed defender and a screener all on the wing.
The screener will go and set a screen for the shooter, the defender will simulate defense, and the shooter will come off and shoot from a straight cut.
After the shot, the player will get their rebound and go to the back of the line at the top.
The defender will now become the shooter and the screener will now become the defender and the passer will run into setting a screen.
Continuously move through this drill as a passer, a screener, and a shooter working on making shots.
Full Court Lane Shooting Drill
(3 minutes)
Have the players balance 3 lines on the baseline with a ball in the middle and a ball with the 2nd player in each line of on the outside.
Also have 2 players on the opposite baseline corners with basketballs.
The drill will start with the first three players running the court.
The player in the middle will pass to the right, get a pass back, pass to the left, get a pass back and pass back to the right.
On the last pass to the right, the player on the right will take a lay-up and get the rebound and go the other direction doing the same thing, pass the ball to the right, get it back, pass to the left, get it back and pass to the right for a lay-up.
The two players who do not get the lay-up will fill over to the wings and receive passes from the baseline and catch and shoot.
They will get their rebound and give the ball back to the line they received it from and balance the lines.
After the players on the baseline pass to the players on the court, they are ready to go the other direction.
The routine is that the player who shoots the lay-up will go back with the two passers.
Time this drill and keep a score to challenge the team each time you do it.
Pound Between Pass Drill
(2 x 30 seconds each way)
Have the players partner up and get a ball.
The partners will stand at least the lane width apart.
The partner with the ball will start by pounding the ball, then dribbling between their legs, and then passing it out to their partner with one hand.
The pass should not be underhand, it should overhand with their hand behind the ball and their fingers pointing up.
The partner will catch the ball with one hand and repeat the action back to their partner.
The players should work at an intense speed.
Change the types of dribbles leading into the pass to keep the drill fresh.
Stationary 2-Ball Passing Drill
(2 x 30 seconds)
Have the players partner up and have two balls per group.
One ball will start with one partner and the other will start with the other partner as the line up across from each other at around the lane line distance.
The players will sit in a good stance and pass both balls back and forth.
The ball that is one players right hand will pass to the other players left hand and will stay on that side. The other ball will work on the other side of their bodies.
Continue for the allotted amount of time.
Tag & Pursue Drill
(1 x 3 minutes)
Have the players get in groups of three and find space at a basket.
Utilize as many baskets as possible and have at least 2 groups per basket.
1 player will be a defensive player.
The other 2 players will be on offense not too far from each other with one ball.
The defensive player will guard the player without the ball and start by being in “help” defense and saying “help, help, help”.
The offensive player will pass the ball to their partner.
The defensive player will now close out and say “ball, ball ball.”
The offensive player will then pass the ball back to the other offensive player.
The defensive player will jump into the help position and say “help, help, help”.
The offensive player will then shoot.
The defensive player will locate their offensive player, tag and pursue the ball.
Team Concepts
Baseline Drive Same Side Post Shooting Competition
(1 x 10 makes each side)
Divide the players into 2 teams and have 1 team on each side of the basket.
Both teams will start with 1 player on the block and a line of players on the wing with two balls at the front of the line.
The player in the front of the line will drive to the baseline side towards the basket.
As this happens, the player on the block, will space away from the drive up the lane line to make it harder for the imaginary help defender to guard both players.
The player driving the ball will pass the ball to the post player who slid up the lane.
The post player will catch, shoot, get their rebound and go to the back of their line.
The player who made the pass will now become the post player and a new player from the line will now drive the baseline.
The process will continue until 1 team or the other makes 10 shots.
3 on 2, 2 on 1
(4 minutes)
Start with 3 lines on the baseline (2 on the wing and 1 in the middle).
The line in the middle will have basketballs.
Place two players on the opposite end as defenders.
The first player in each of the 3 lines will go with the ball up the court and try to score in the 3 on 2 fast break.
The offense is only allowed 1 shot.
Whichever player takes the shot or turns the ball over will get back on defense.
The other 2 offensive players will stay there and become the 2 new defenders.
The two current defenders will bring the ball back down the court and try to score in the 2 on 1 fast break.
This process will repeat with a new group coming on from the baseline and those who just finished going to the back of the lines.
Key Points
Work on spacing and making good decisions in transition.
Shell Drill 5 On 5 – with Post
(8-10 minutes)
Divide the players into groups of 5 and start with 1 team on defense and one team on offense.
The offense should only have players on the perimeter and 1 post player.
The offense is only allowed to pass and cut (no screens).
After 5 passes, the ball will become live and the offensive team can try to score but are still not allowed to screen.
Switch teams every possession.
Emphasize post defense and how to help with a post player.
25 Point Free Throw Game
(1 game)
Utilize as many baskets as possible and have 1 player shooting at a time per basket.
Each player will shoot 5 straight free throws until all players have shot.
After all players have taken 5 free throws, the player with the highest score wins.
The maximum number of points a player can score is 25 points or 5 points per shot.
Here is how it is scored:
5 If the player makes the shot nothing but net and the ball is coming back toward the free throw line so that the player can grab the ball with 1 foot still touching the free throw line, the player is awarded 5 points.
4 If the player makes the shot nothing but net and the ball does not come back toward the free throw line and they cannot grab the ball with 1 foot still touching the free throw line, the player is awarded get 4 points.
3 If the player makes the shot but the ball makes contact with the rim (or backboard) 1 time, the player is awarded 3 points.
2 If the player makes the shot but the ball makes contact with the rim (or backboard) 2 times, the player is awarded 2 points.
1 If the player makes the shot but the ball makes contact with the rim (or backboard) 3 times or rolls around on the rim, the player is awarded 1 point.
0 If the player misses the shot, they are awarded 0 points.
Have a coach or other players count their points after every shot for 5 shots.
Key Points
This drill teaches the players to be extremely focused on their free throws. Often players will make the shot but will be frustrated with their score. The scoring system also allows them to set goals and beat their record.
11-Person Transition Drill
(3-5 minutes)
This drill is the 11-person transition drill because there must be at least 11 players to make it work.
There are 2 defenders at each basket and there are 3 offensive players going towards 1 basket which is 7 players.
The remaining four spots are on the sideline on in between half court and the free throw line on each side of the court where a player could receive an outlet pass. With these four spots filled, there are 11 players needed.
The players will move towards a basket in a 3 on 2 break.
After 1 shot or a turnover, what ever player gets the ball (offense or defense) will make an outlet pass to one of the players on the sidelines.
After the outlet the player will dribble to the middle of the floor and the player who made the outlet will fill the lane that they passed it to and the other player on the sideline will fill the opposite lane.
These 3 players will attack 3 on 2.
After a shot or turnover, any player can get the ball and repeat the process going back.
The two defensive players will step off and two of the offensive players will become defense while the other players will fill in the outlet lines.
Continue this transition process for the allotted amount of time.
3 on 3 Dictated – Down Screen
(games to 3 makes)
Divide the players into teams of 3.
Utilize both baskets if there are four or more teams.
The players must start with a down screen.
After that, the ball is live and the players can move and play as they choose.
Every change of possession, the ball must get back to the top of the key in order to start the next possession.
If the offense scores, they get the ball back.
Keep the game moving quickly but not requiring a “check,” and allowing players to get to the top of the key and start their possession.
Compliment Session
Gather the players together. Players group with 1-2 players next to them and share answers to the prompted questions.
Ask players to share something they did well, what enjoyed about today’s practice or something positive about another player’s actions.
Have players switch groups and ask some players to share their groups answers. Coach can build onto the player responses.
Key Points
All compliments should be natural. Not every player has to give or receive a compliment.
At the conclusion of the All-Star Level, Jr. NBA players should be proficient at each of the following skills. Judging proficiency at this level is the responsibility of the coach.